Billable Expenses

Billable Expenses can be incurred by the indvidual executive, or on behalf of an executive and on a credit card not owned by that executive, for example in respect of larger value payments such as flights.

In TimeWorked the centrally procured billable expense can be entered by central finance admin against that individual, against a particular project or assignment, or shared between more than one project for that individual on a percentage basis. The expense incurred on behalf of an individual is marked as non refundable: it will appear against the expenses incurred by that individual, but will not contribute to the expenses refundable to that individual.

For billable expense items purchased directly by an individual, these can either be entered directly by the individual concerned, and then the individual simply submits the expense form; alternatively if the individual is a senior executive, finance admin would be able to submit and enter expenses on behalf of the senior executive.

Copyright and Trade Marks

The contents of this site are copyright Thomas Naylor 2014. The name and logo TimeWorked are Trade Marks of Thomas Naylor.